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WTF: If It Ain’t Broke… Spiderman and Superman Reboots

WTF: If It Ain’t Broke… Spiderman and Superman Reboots

Hollywood's "rinse, repeat" attitude.
By Amy Killin
Nov 3, 2010

I can’t even say anything before I say this…WTF is with Hollywood’s sudden need to reboot a whole bunch of iconic movie franchises even when most are still less than a decade old? I see the point in a new Tron, a new Texas Chainsaw Massacre and maybe even the bomb that was Russel Crowe’s Robin Hood remake. But recent blockbusters like Spidey? Superman? AGH? Please tell me I’m not THAT old already.

The Spiderman franchise produced an average crop of three movies, entertaining kids in 2002, 2004 and 2007. The trilogy was by no means perfect, leaving the exciting aspects of plot and character deep in the shadows of overpowering special effects. Despite these common flaws that are usually prominent in comic book adaptations anyway, the Spidey movies were successful popcorn movies – the first being the highest grossing film for 2002 in North America. Rotten Tomatoes even gives the first movie an 89% fresh rating…not an easy feat. With the success of this trilogy still in the minds of many and with series exposure still lining the shelves in department stores everywhere, why would people pay to see a movie they’re going to feel like they’ve already seen? With casting news placing The Social Network’s Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, are we going to have to believe once again that a 27 year-old man is still a high school kid? And if this is the case, why can’t we have Toby Maguire back? Surely there is more to this reboot than a dire need to capitalise on the “next generation” of kids who will like it. Reboot rant aside, news that Emma Stone will take the role as Gwen Stacy will probably be enough to lure me into the web…

In defence of a proposed Superman reboot, I have to admit I am a little bit excited about the prospect of Watchmen‘s Zack Snyder breathing a bit of life into ole Clark Kent. Many times I have tried to sit through Superman Returns and have failed – I always fall asleep. Kevin spacey was great, but Brandon Routh was just a little too squeaky clean.  Whereas, I’m positive Snyder will put a quirky spin on the classic and unearth a darker pathos.

This week I need to know, is there any point to rebooting Spiderman and Superman? Are you ready for another bout of Spidey/Man of Steel hysteria, so soon? Geek out.

One thing is for sure, 2012 is set to be an interesting year for the box office. Unless Roland Emmerich was right…

Category: Opinion
Date Published: November 3rd, 2010
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