If something ever goes wrong, just do what Hollywood does and blame it all on the Nazis. Seriously, if Paul McGuigan’s sci-fi thriller Push is anything to go by, they’re responsible for everything. In a ridiculously overloaded voice-over, Dakota Fanning’s character explains how Nazi experiments resulted in a breed of artificially enhanced humans with paranormal abilities. No, this not an episode of Heroes, but it might as well be; there are those who can use telekinesis, ‘Movers’, those who can draw the future, ‘Watchers’, and those who can control minds, ‘Pushers’. But that’s only the beginning; there are also ‘Sniffs’, ‘Stitchers’, ‘Wipers’, ‘Shadows’ and whole range of talents. You’re going to want to bring along a pen and some paper to this one, folks.

By on September 10, 2009
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